We empower the Church

Our Mission

To empower, resource, and equip leaders, parents, grandparents, young people and all of those who care about the next generation to reject mediocrity and to herald the role of the watchman who understands the times, speaks the truth, and lives an authentic life worth emulating.

Our Beliefs

Jeff and Rochelle believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and there is only one true God revealed in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe every person is in need of a Savior and they can have restored fellowship with God through faith and repentance in Jesus Christ. We believe in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and that He enables us to become more like Christ. Jeff and Rochelle also believe wholeheartedly that men and women are both empowered for ministry in the church and leadership in the home. They believe it is possible to raise kids who love Jesus, serve Him wholeheartedly and that God’s promises are true for every generation.


Passionate followers of Christ

Jeff and Rochelle are first and foremost passionate followers of Christ who desire to live deeply rooted in Scripture. They have been happily married for close to twenty years and have three amazing daughters. Jeff and Rochelle continue to forge through the crucible of full-time ministry by serving in various roles in education and advocacy in their local community, regional appointments, and national influence.

Jeff is a graduate of Assemblies of God Theological Seminary with a Doctor of Ministry degree, where he wrote his dissertation on spiritual abuse and antagonism in churches, workplaces and denominations. He also attended Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for his graduate Theology Degree and North Central University for his Bachelor’s Degree in Pastoral Ministry. He was ordained in 2005 and has been in full-time ministry for over twenty years.

Rochelle is a graduate of North Central University with a master’s degree in leadership, where she studied family and parenting. She received her undergraduate degree in English and Education from Butler University. During her college years, she studied and interned at Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs, CO. She is an ordained minister, has served in multiple roles within the local church, and influences the next generation as a high school educator.

Our core values:

  • RCourage
  • RCharacter Transformation
  • RHoly Spirit Empowerment
  • RBible Centered
  • RAuthenticity
  • RResearch-Based