Ferguson Family Life Update and Ministry Announcement

As a family, we maintain some core convictions that guide every decision we make. First, we are committed to walking in obedience to Christ. We understand that the safest place to live is in submission to His direction and instruction. Second, we know life is made up of seasons that have beginnings and endings, and we are committed to navigating those well. So, after much prayer, fasting, and reflection, we are living out both of these convictions as we are resigning as Lead Pastors of First Assembly of God in Henderson, KY after twelve years of ministry.
Reflecting on the past twelve years, we have had a front row seat of how God remains the Builder of His Church. We have witnessed people coming to Christ, awakening to a hunger for His Word, and experiencing His transforming power. It has been our deep desire that we embody the lives of shepherds, rather than hired hands. In alignment with this call, we have celebrated new life with people as they welcomed children into the world, grieved with those who have lost family members, walked the arduous road of prayer with those believing for a miracle, and celebrated with those who have welcomed a wayward family member back to Christ. It has truly been our privilege to shepherd this church family through the various mountains and valleys over the past twelve years.
Ministry assignments come and go. However, what is most important to us is the spiritual vitality of our family. What we are most grateful for as pastors, is that our children, our marriage, and our home have remained sources of vitality and blessing in our lives. Our three daughters – Madelynn, Joy, and Olivia – have spent their lives at First Assembly and have learned to love the Church in seasons of victory and adversity. We remain grateful that our children are more faith-filled and passionate than ever!
So, what’s next for the Ferguson family?
While God is bringing our time in Henderson to a conclusion, we are certainly not stepping down from ministry. We are excited about the next ministry assignment God is inviting us to step into. God is calling us to impact the family through our non-profit ministry, Not On My Watch. When God calls someone to step out of the boat and trust Him with what is next, then we must do it. This next season of our ministry is our step out of the boat moment where we trust God with the ministry He continues to unfold before us. God has given us a mandate to be a watchman for the next generation but also to raise up others who will care about issues pertaining to the church, the family, education, and marriage. This is what we have given our lives to and what we will continue to give our lives to in an expanded capacity.
We will speak at churches, marriage events, parenting seminars, schools, men’s and women’s retreats, and every place this urgent message is needed. We will continue to write and create additional content that will equip others to be watchman in their generation. It is our prayer that we would form new partnerships in prayer, ministry, and finances to bring this message to those who need it most. If you would like to know more about Not On My Watch, invite us to speak at an event, or partner with us financially you can click on the links provided.
We will reside in our current home, support the local Christian school that our children will continue to attend, and impact the surrounding area in which God has planted us. We are truly excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and this next season we are entering as a family. We are grateful for the many mentors, family members, and countless individuals in our lives who have walked with us during this season and who expect greater things in the next! We’d love for you stay connected to us and our ministry.